Deter Woodpeckers: Use Woodpecker Spikes!

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Woodpecker Spikes are a great way to deter woodpeckers from landing on the area they love to peck! Put a few of these down and they should be frustrated enough to move elsewhere.

  • Pros – Provides a physical barrier, won’t harm woodpeckers, and easy to install.
  • Cons – Not the prettiest looking solution to your woodpecker problem.
  • Guarantee – Can’t find anything indicating there is a warranty outside of the normal Amazon Prime 30-Day warranty.

If you want a guaranteed way to ensure that woodpeckers cannot access their desired area, install these woodpecker spikes on top of where they are causing damage.

I’ve known a lot of people who get so frustrated that they just resort to using these alone.

If you decide that woodpecker spikes are the most appropriate solution to your problem, I would use Velcro opposed to the included glue. This way once the woodpecker leaves, you can remove the Velcro strip instead of having to remove the strong glue that comes with the spikes. In the event the birds come back, you can easily reattach these spikes to the Velcro strips.

With all that being said, I would only advise using this product if visual and electronic woodpecker repellets have failed. These should only be used if the woodpecker is exceptionally brazen and persistent.

Physical barriers should only be used as a last resort.

If you decide to go with the woodpecker spikes, they will surely deter woodpeckers from your house!

Click Here to Buy These Woodpecker Spikes

Head over to the Best Woodpecker Deterrents page to see more woodpecker deterrent products!

There is also plenty of information on the Repair Woodpecker Damage page to help you fix woodpecker holes.

Please feel free to leave comments below!

4 thoughts on “Deter Woodpeckers: Use Woodpecker Spikes!”

  1. Good One, You really did a fantastic job, Thanks for so much info

    Great article . Extremely helpful .

    • Glad to be of assistance.

  2. I tried these woodpecker spikes you recommended and they work amazingly! They kept the woodpeckers at bay and weren’t able to get to the cedar siding they love to peck so often!

    Thanks for the great information. Your advice is so good for someone with this problem like me!

    The woodpecker hasn’t been back in 3 weeks now!

    • I’m happy that the information on this site was able to help you with your woodpecker problem! I love getting testimonials like this!


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